Monday, August 8, 2011

bRsama kekasih hunTing jaJanan~

hari ini aqu dan kekasih hati qu (Aji PMS) , sesosok lelaki yang sangat aq sayangi selain Papa dan Mas Ndut qu ^^ pegi mencari2 jajanan pasar.. lebiy tepatx di Kauman,,tempat dmna aq KKN PPL berada..

ayank qu emng ebat.wktux tepat sekaLi..
hari ini di Kauman ternyata ada ngulik..hoho
ya alhasil ktmu c asri Welas n S07..
untungx qt ga 4L4Y gtu deh,,,
biasa aja liaT artis2 bgctu,,ckikikik ^^

d kauman ada bule yg ngjak qt nnya es kopyor doank,,
eh tp buLex smbong..
msa pas qt pas2an lg tyus qt senyumin diax cuek gtcu,,,ga asik ahh~~
ndak puna sopan santun ~,~

sudah sudah,.ckup sampe dstu cerita bulenya...

d kauman aq n my honey beli es kopyor,,peceL,, usus,, bika,, n ikan patin..
enyak enyak,,
sayank ga d abadikan makanan2 itu lwt puTu >.<
td juga bukax di suapin ma yayank tecinta^^
delicioso ^.- it out beberapa puTu d bwah ini,,wekekkek

Monday, March 28, 2011


ingin qu menangis malam ini..
sedih rasanyaa..
trlalu banyak beban di hati dan pikiran 

slalu tertawa tersenyum d sekitar..
jika qu sedih ada kah yg tau?

i can't breath..

I want go go far away..

ya Allah,,yg terbaik dan bisa mngerti diriku tolong dekatkan lhaa..
jika aq d takdirkan sperti ini tolong kuat kan aqu..

Engkau Maha SegalaNya..
Hanya Engkau yang tahu keluh kesah,, sedih qu..
bantu aqu tidak meneteskan air mata malam ini..

Sunday, February 20, 2011

touring to Dieng with GiFo

5 feb 2011..

hari ini aq n tmen2ku ngadain touring k Dieng..
u know Dieng??
Dieng is similiar with Puncak,,
lokasi Dieng tu d daerah Wonosobo..hha

so far from Jogja,,
but it's ok.. i love it!

jarang2 lha aq n Gifo pegi jaoh dr jogja..
yg pegi cuma 20 anak..
ga smua bisa mreka puna kpntingan ndiri2..
but it's ok..
acara ttep bjlan lancar..

smua bkumpul d dpn "HIMAGANA"
nympe HimaGana kita poto2 dunkz..
check this out:

Friday, February 11, 2011


You’re a lemon. 
Like a bad car. 
There is something… 
there is something inherently defective in you, and you, and you, and me, and all of us. 
We’re all lemons. 
We look like everyone else, but what makes us different is our defect. 
See, most gamblers, when they go to gamble, they go to win. 
When we go to gamble, we go to lose. 
Me, I never feel better than when they’re raking the chips away; not bringing them in. 
And everyone here knows what I’m talking about. 
Hell, even when we win it’s just a matter of time before we give it all back. 
But when we lose, that’s another story. 
When we lose, and I’m talking about the kind of loss that makes your asshole pucker to the size of a decimal point - you know what I mean - You’ve just recreated the worst possible nightmare this side of malignant cancer, for the twentieth goddamn time; and you’re standing there and you suddenly realise, Hey, I’m still… here. 
I’m still breathing. 
I’m still alive. 
Us lemons, we fuck shit up all the time on purpose. 
Because we constantly need to remind ourselves we’re alive. Gambling’s not your problem. 
It’s this fucked up need to feel something. 
To convince yourself you exist. 
That’s the problem.

wisdom of the SOUL

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

vandeburg with Harajuku famz :D

29 januari 2011

akhirnya ketemu nak harajuku pamz lagy..
this is my 1st time to met Ira 'kero' Wahidinia

harajuku pamz emg paling top..
smua baik,,
bener2 kyk qluarga,,
jadi pengen kopdar ma mereka2 smua lagy..

jalan2 hari ini :
maem d Nikou Ramen - malioboro - vandeburg - 
sekaten di alun2 - naek delman kliling jogja - 
mall malioboro - maem d Mbak Sasha - my.Kost


check this our picture

Ira 'kero' Wahidinia n Rama Haris Kusuma 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

saya rasa hari ini..

entah mengapa jari ini ingin mengetikkan sesuatu ..
akhirnya aqu login di blog qu ini..

entah inikah rasanya

yg qu tau hr ini aqu ingin menangis n teriak skencang2x..
ingin qluar dr kurungan hati
ingin melepaskan segala kekesalan di hati

ingin mendamparkan diri di suatu tempat sepi sunyi . .

rasa lelah telah merenggut jiwa raga ku..

terkadang qu befikir untuk apa smua ini terjadi?


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

love u, but.....


dear best friend..

be better person

try be a better person  to get success in the future

it's about human character

don't ever judge someome wherever they come from

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Jogja Broadway - pngeran Bintang dan putRi Embun

Harusnya ci hari ni jumat jadwaL nya aqu renang..
wah tp tuk hr ni bataL..
u know why??

cz myPlendh ngajak aqu ntn pmentasan dRama d jogja Broadway..
wah tnpa mikir 2x aq lgsg ikutan :D
JuduL pementasanx tuh pangeran Bintang n Putri Embun..

tiket msk 35rb..hmm..
lmyan Lah..

aqu dtg ksna be3.. 

Check thiS our pictures ...

if we're Grow up

Monday, January 10, 2011

I do

In your life, you meet people. Some you never think about again. Some,you wonder what happened to them. There are some that your wonder if they ever think about you. And then there are some you wish you never had to think about again. But you do.